A 4-Day Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Program for CFS/ME av klinikkforstressmedisin | feb 17, 2019 | Artikkel
Heart rate variability and fatigue in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome after a comprehensive cognitive behavior group therapy program. av klinikkforstressmedisin | feb 17, 2019 | Artikkel
Eit optimistisk behandlingsperspektiv på kronisk utmattingssyndrom/ME av klinikkforstressmedisin | feb 11, 2019 | Artikkel
Neurasthenia, subjective health complaints and sensitization. av klinikkforstressmedisin | jan 29, 2019 | Artikkel
Cognitive–behavioural therapy v. mirtazapine for chronic fatigue and neurasthenia av klinikkforstressmedisin | jan 29, 2019 | Artikkel
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